3 Year Old Preschool Teacher
NewHope Baptist Preschool
For Provider
NewHope Baptist Preschool
Closing date
Primary role
Early Childhood Teacher
Position type
About the Centre/Service
NewHope Baptist Preschool is a community operated, stand alone sessional Preschool providing a Christian educational program. NewHope Baptist Preschool has been fully renovated in the last few years to become a two room preschool. NewHope Baptist Preschool is proud of its exceeding rating (2024) and is committed to the ongoing provision of high quality education for young children.
Our Christian foundation provides a caring, nurturing environment where each child is given the opportunity to develop and grow a positive and healthy self-esteem and discover many new things about themselves, others and their world.
NewHope Baptist Preschool is committed to child safety. We support and respect all children, as well as our staff and volunteers and we are committed to child safety, participation and empowerment of all children and have zero tolerance for child abuse.
Work Days of the Role
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
Hours of Work of the Role
22.5 hours per week
NewHope Baptist Preschool is looking for an Early Childhood Teacher to commence in 2025
Koala group (3yo): Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday - 9.15am to 2.15pm + 7.5 hrs additional non contact time
You are an ideal candidate if you have:
- Knowledge of current best practice that is reflective of the approved National Quality Framework, Education and Care Services National Regulations 2011 and Education and Care Services National Law Act 2010
- Ability to develop, document and implement a high quality, developmentally appropriate education program for kindergarten children in consultation with relevant stakeholders
- The ability to plan, work and manage time effectively with minimal supervision
- Knowledge and understanding of the National Quality Standards
- Knowledge and adherence to the Child Safe Standards
- Enjoy working in a team environment
- Are able to show a commitment to the values and ethos of our Christian education
- An Australian Bachelor Qualification in Early Childhood Education or equivalent as recognised by ACECQA.
- Must hold a current Working with Children Check or VIT registration (provisional or full registration)
VIT Registration
Additional Requirements
Applications must include a resume, written cover letter
Industrial Agreement/Award
Victorian Early Childhood Teachers and Educators Agreement 2020 (VECTEA)
Contact Name
Andrea Simons