Early Childhood Educator (Certificate III or Diploma)

Posted by WERRIMULL P-12 SCHOOL COUNCIL on 18 Dec 2024

For Provider Millewa Preschool
Closing date 14.01.2025
Primary role Certificate III Educator
Position type Fixed-Term-Contract
Location Werrimull
State VIC
About the Centre/Service The Millewa Pre-School, located in the smallNorth-West Victorian town of Werrimull, offers both three and four-year-old kindergarten to the wider Millewa community. We are a one room kindergarten, located in the same building that opened in 1977. Our three and four-year-old sessions run at the same time which allows for greater socialisation opportunities for our small groups and ensures that our three year-old group have access to a qualified Early Childhood Teacher for every moment of their time at the Pre-School, as well as a co-educator at all times. Our families come from the small towns in the Millewa region as well as farms of all sizes. Strong community ties are very important to the Millewa Pre-School, with many children travelling long distances (some almost 50km) via school bus with the students of the local school, Werrimull P-12 School. Our connection with Werrimull P-12 School has ensured the continued existence of the Millewa Pre-School in the past decade and provides wonderful learning opportunities for our children. At the Millewa Pre-School we involve parents in every aspect of our service, from everyday interactions (both in person and through a range of technology) to special family days held at least once a term where both immediate and extended family members are invited to join us to celebrate the children and their progress. We don’t often see our parents face-to- face due to the bus travel of our kindergarten group (particularly the four-year-olds who attend for the whole school day in line with the school buses).
Work Days of the Role Monday - Wednesday (3 days one week, 2 days the next)
Hours of Work of the Role 37.5 hours
  • To work co-operatively and professionally as a member of a team, and assist with the provision of high quality educational programs for the children.
  • To provide an atmosphere that fosters positive communication, where children feel confident in asking questions, offering ideas, sharing information and participating in the program.
  • To operate in a professional manner at all times, meeting the requirements of the Preschool Program Funding Criteria of the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development (DEECD), the Education and Care Services National Law Act 2010 and the Education and Care Services National Regulations.
  • It is the responsibility of Certificate III Educators to familiarise themselves with and to work within the policies and procedures of Millewa Preschool.
  • Early Childhood Certificate III Educators Qualifications as approved by ACECQA-Australian Children’s Education & Care Quality Authority.
  • First Aid Certificate & current CPR -Work place Level 2 or
  • Anaphylaxis Management
  • Emergency Asthma Management
  • Current Employee Working with Children’s Check (WWCC)
  • Experience working with children
Requirements WWCC
Industrial Agreement/Award Victorian Early Childhood Teachers and Educators Agreement 2020 (VECTEA)

Contact Name
Ben Nicholson
Application Procedure
Email cover letter and CV

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