Professional Development

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This video highlights the role of committees in recruitment in Early Childhood services, covering roles, qualifications, child safe standards, referee checks, and registrations.
In this video we will be exploring the Committee’s role regarding the National Quality Framework, Quality Improvement Plans and Continuous Improvement strategies.
In this video we will discuss some important reforms within the Early Childhood sector, and the increasing need for a growth change mindset to support services with change.
In this video, we focus on calling and holding committee meetings for incorporated associations in Victoria. The video will cover committee meetings, the annual general meeting, special general meetings, and the rules and procedures governing these meetings.
In this video, we will delve into the responsibilities of the committee, including the role as an approved provider, employer and administrator. We will explore what can and cannot be delegated to a Business Manager or Director.
In this video, we embark on an exploration of the early childhood education and care sector – unravelling its challenges, benefits, and recent reforms shaping the future of the sector.
This video provides a short introduction to the meaning, value and principles of Good Governance in Early Childhood Services
This video explores strategies to ensure a successful committee handover, recruitment and engagement to support the organisations continuity.
This video provides an insight into understanding the main roles and their responsibilities within an incorporated association.
In this video we explore the committees’ reporting requirements, zooming into financial, regulatory, legal and industrial responsibilities.
This video explores a variety of valuable strategies are explored that aim at supporting succession planning, recruiting for upcoming committees and engage in smooth handovers and transitions.
In this video we will explore the definitions of a committee of management, an incorporated association and a constitution in relation to early childhood services.