ELAA in the Media

Search our media archive for stories about ELAA or comments from ELAA on the early learning sector.



The Sector – ELAA shares resource to support leaders with performance management conversations

While it’s best practice to address issues of underperformance in a timely manner, these conversations can be complex for early childhood education and care (ECEC) leaders, and can be a pain point for many. The Early Learning Association Australia (ELAA) has released a number of tip sheets and tools which have been collated into a Managing Performance Related Concerns (MPRC) resource.

CLICK to read The Sector story



The Sector – 3 changes to make ECEC fairer: ELAA appeals to Australian Government

Early Learning Association Australia (ELAA) has appealed to the Australian Government to make access to early childhood education and care (ECEC) fairer by doing three things …

CLICK to read The Sector story



ELAA Director of Advocacy and Member Solutions chats to ABC Radio National on ‘school refusals’

With a recent submission to a senate inquiry into “school refusals” saying that some parents have had to leave their job, or take time off to look after their kids who are missing school, our Director of Advocacy and Member Solutions, Megan O’Connell, spoke to ABC Radio National about the issue.

CLICK HERE to listen.



2022 Volunteer of the Year recognised in The Sector

Paul Cortissos, President of Thornbury Kindergarten, has been named as the winner of the 2022 anzuk Early Childhood Volunteer of the Year at the Early Learning Association Australia (ELAA) Annual General meeting.

CLICK HERE to read the full story in The Sector



ELAA acting CEO opinion piece re new IR bill in The Sector

ELAA acting CEO, Megan O’Connell, has a had a piece published in the weekly Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) sector journal ‘The Sector’ regarding the introduction of the Australian Government’s proposed ‘Secure Jobs, Better Pay’ bill to Parliament. Megan discusses how it is the right time for the Federal Government to be a major co-funder to a national ECEC workforce agreement and also how the VECTEA could be a model for a national agreement.

CLICK HERE to read the article.



The Sector – ELAA shares practical resource to promote understanding of CISS

While many Victorian educators are aware of the Child Information Sharing Scheme (CISS) there is still more work to be done to promote awareness of the scheme and its importance, and to drive engagement with the scheme in Victoria.

To support, the Victorian Department of Education and Training (DET) recently commissioned Early Learning Association Australia (ELAA) to develop a practical resource – The ABCs of CISS – to address the key questions early childhood teachers, educators and leaders need answered to be able to participate in the scheme with confidence.

CLICK to read The Sector story



ELAA CEO interviewed on 7 News re rising childcare costs

ELAA CEO, David Worland, comments on 7 News re reports that some Melbourne parents are paying up to $50 a day more than the national average to send their children to childcare and that fees are rising faster than inflation.

CLICK HERE to watch.



ELAA Director of Advocacy and Member Solutions on SBS Radio COVID re free Vic RAT tests

Our Director Advocacy and Member Solutions, Megan O’Connell, provided expert commentary to the 8 February edition of the SBS Radio COVID 19 update. (more…)



ELAA Director of Advocacy and Member Solutions chats live with Channel 9 News about free RAT test for Vic 3 & 5 y.o children

Our Director Advocacy and Member Solutions, Megan O’Connell, gave some great advice to services and parents re RAT testing for 3 to 5-year-olds on the Channel 9 news this afternoon https://bit.ly/3B99qAn



ELAA CEO speaks to The Guardian Australia about the challenges to the education and care sector posed by Omicron

Recent advocacy by ELAA, CCC and CELA focused on gaining more support from Federal and State governments for the education and care sector to deal with high COVID-19 infection rates, resulting staff shortages, reduced attendance, testing and managing positive cases has received coverage from The Guardian. (more…)

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