15 NovGovernment seeking your views on improving ECEC workforce
The Australian Government Department of Education has commissioned ORIMA Research, an independent social research company, to conduct an anonymous online survey to better understand the views and needs of the Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) workforce.
The survey is for educators, teachers, directors, managers and coordinators working in Centre Based Day Care (Long Day Care and Occasional Care), Family Day Care and Outside School Hours Care.
Once you have completed the survey, you can enter a draw to win one of twenty $100 vouchers.
How can I take part?
You can complete the survey by clicking on this link: https://research.orima.com.au/ECEC-Services/Educators.
The survey should take no more than 10 minutes to complete. You can complete the survey anytime between 1 November 2023 and 1 December 2023.
What is the survey about and why is it important?
This is an important survey as it will help the Australian Government Department of Education to better understand the perceptions, satisfaction and needs of educators and managers. It will inform the Department’s policies on how to better attract and keep people working in the ECEC sector. The survey covers the following areas:
- attraction to and retention in the ECEC sector
- satisfaction with job, employment conditions and workplace culture
- wellbeing
- perceptions of the ECEC sector.
Can I be identified through my responses?
Your participation in the survey is voluntary and the answers you provide will be treated as private and confidential. Findings will be provided in a de-identified way so that no person can be identified. Your responses will not be provided to the ECEC service you are employed at (they will not get data about responses from their staff – all data will be combined and reported together, such as at the State/Territory or national level only).
You can read about the government and ORIMA privacy policies via the links below.
Department of Education Privacy Policy
If you have questions about the survey, contact the Department at: SPS@education.gov.au.
For any technical queries about the online survey, contact ORIMA at: surveys@orima.com.