Advocacy & Research

ELAA’s advocacy achievements and vision for excellence and equity

ELAA’s advocacy strategy reflects our commitment to evidence based, solutions focused advocacy to support our members to deliver quality early childhood education and care.

Our advocacy is aimed at responding to sector sustainability challenges, growing governance burdens and shifting parental preferences to longer days of education and care. Our key areas of focus are sector sustainability, workforce, quality and access and equity.

ELAA’s advocacy strategy on a page reflects our commitment to building our capacity, supporting members and advocating to government across these pillars.

In 2023 our key advocacy activities will include:

  • supporting members to influence and plan for early childhood education reforms including the introduction of 30 hours of pre Prep by 2032
  • initiating and contributing to initiatives to grow, retain and upskill the early childhood workforce
  • collecting evidence to understand the cost of quality early childhood delivery and advocating for sector sustainability
  • collaborating with other peaks and providers to improve access and equity in early childhood education

Members are at the core of our advocacy – we need your voice. You can let us know your concerns by completing our regular Pulse Check surveys, attending member forums and writing to us with your concerns at

Keep an eye out in our weekly ELAAvate to find out more about our advocacy.