07 NovParents from all walks of life sometimes need help with kindergarten fees

Posted on 07 Nov 2019

Over 60,000 children access kindergarten programs across Victoria each year. However, many children miss out on the opportunity to attend a quality kindergarten program in the year before they commence school because their parents are unable to afford the fees for a wide variety of reasons.

Giving to the Early Childhood Education Foundation has helped children like …

Escaping domestic violence and burdened with her former partner’s debts, Jack’s mother could not afford his kindergarten fees while supporting Jack and his sibling. Diagnosed with PTSD, and identified as an ‘at risk’ child, Jack was at risk of further isolation if he cannot access a quality early learning program.

Noori’s parents are asylum seekers from Africa.  They had enrolled Noori in kindergarten but had to withdraw her as they struggled with providing for Noori and her two siblings (one of whom is autistic). Their situation was exacerbated by temporary visa working restrictions. With developmental delays,  and issues with speech development, Noori really needed access to a kindergarten program where she could interact with children her own age, develop language skills and make social connections.

To find out how you can make a difference click here 

*not pictured and names changed to protect children’s privacy.

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