EYM Governance Support Manual

The EYM Governance Support Manual was developed by ELAA as part of the Rural EYM Governance Project. The project was funded by the Department of Education and Training (DET) in recognition of the unique challenges faced by Early Years Managers (EYMs) operating in rural and regional areas in Victoria, to maintain sustainable governance arrangements.

The Governance Support Manual addresses some of the governance practice areas that were identified in this project as areas that required strengthening by EYMs. It provides information, guidance resources, templates, and references and useful links, that can be utilised by EYMs to strengthen their governance systems and ensure their ongoing long-term viability.

While the Manual was published to reflect the unique challenges of EYMs in rural and regional areas in Victoria, much of the information and templates are relevant to all EYMs.

Accessing the Manual

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EYM Governance Support Manual

What is in the EYM Governance Support Manual?

Topics covered in this manual align with the seven principles of good governance, prepared by Andrew Hollows, Principle at Co-governance, as part of the EYM Rural Governance Project. These topics include:

  • Please give us permission to contact you regarding the Governance Support Manual. This will allow us to invite you to provide feedback to ensure it meets the needs of and is useful for EYM organisations.