10 AugELAA’s continual advocacy on the $9 Billion Victorian Government ECEC agenda

Posted on 10 Aug 2022

ELAA’s CEO, Mr David Worland, attended the first meeting of the Best Start, Best Life Taskforce on 9 August, 2022.

The Taskforce has been established to help shape the future of Early Childhood Education and Care in Victoria through its support for the implementation of the expanded Best Start, Best Life reforms.  Chaired by the Victorian Minister for Early Childhood, Ms Ingrid Stitt, the Taskforce is representative of the numerous sector peaks, unions, academics, and research institutes that make up our diverse Victorian Early Childhood Education and Care sector.

The Taskforce does not have a decision-making role, but will focus on advising Government and the Victorian Department of Education and Training on numerous key enablers of the Best Start, Best Life reforms, including:

  • child and family outcomes, participation and service access
  • workforce attraction, retention and quality
  • delivering high quality play-based programs
  • systems level issues and change management
  • building infrastructure capacity.

The first meeting focused on stakeholder introductions, establishing terms of reference and discussing the early insights. The Taskforce will meet on a quarterly basis until at least December 2024.  ELAA will continue to engage its members in the lead up to and post these meetings, so that issues unique to our membership are captured and addressed as part of the reforms.

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