24 NovHealth behaviour competency study

Posted on 24 Nov 2022

Deakin University are investigating health behaviour confidence and competencies in early childhood education and care (ECEC) workers.  They are reaching out to ask for the help of Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) workers with a research study.

Taking part in this study involves ECEC workers completing an anonymous online survey.  This survey aims to help understand the current levels of confidence, knowledge, and skills of staff working in this field, and further inform the types of support and professional learning ECEC workers may want or need.  The study is free to access, and all participating staff will have the opportunity to enter a draw for one of fifty $50 supermarket e-gift vouchers (Coles or Woolworths).

For ECEC professionals to sign-up for the study, they can access it through this link deakin.au/ECEC which contains further information regarding participation.

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