16 FebBest Start, Best Life member forum

Posted on 16 Feb 2023

ELAA and the Department of Education co-hosted a forum for ELAA’s members on Tuesday 14 February. With over 175 registrations this forum provided our members with the opportunity to learn about the 30-hour Pre-prep reforms and how the sector will be consulted during the rollout of the Best Start, Best Life reforms.  

The forum was co-hosted by ELAA’s Director of Advocacy and Member Solutions Megan O’Connell and Assistant Deputy Secretary of Kindergarten Expansion and Pre-Prep Reform in the Department of Education Bronwen FitzGerald. In her role Bronwen has been responsible for leading the implementation of the state-wide roll-out of funded, universal Three-Year-Old Kindergarten and the implementation of the Best Start Best Life reforms.  

After an overview of the rollout schedule and the first steps of the reforms, Megan O’Connell began to ask Bronwen FitzGerald questions that members had been submitting throughout the forum. This was an opportunity for ELAA’s members to learn about the Departments plans in supporting the sector and for the Department to hear what our members most need addressed for the reforms to be a success.  

Following the forum, members now have an opportunity to submit their expression of interest to participate in five single topic consultation sessions with the Department. These sessions will allow members to engage in an in-depth discussion on what needs and ideas they have about the reforms.  

The topics that will be addressed in the consultation sessions are:  

  • Workforce attraction, retention and quality 
  • System enablers 
  • High-quality play-based programs 
  • Participation, Access & Outcomes 
  • Building Infrastructure Capacity 

We encourage our members to submit their expression of interest as soon as possible, as there are limited places available in each session. To register your interest please CLICK HERE.  

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