29 MarHave your say as we develop our ‘microdentials’ for new educators

Posted on 29 Mar 2023

ELAA, in partnership with Gowrie Victoria and The Y Ballarat, has commissioned a survey to help inform the development of a series of specialised micro-credentials (targeted qualifications requiring short periods of learning) in areas most identified for training by the Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) sector as part of the Skilling an Adaptable Early Childhood Education and Care Workforce (SAEW) project implementation phase.

The training needs analysis survey has been specifically designed to be completed by early childhood employers, including Centre Managers, Educational Leaders and Room Leaders, and Certificate III qualified early childhood employees, and only takes 10-15 minutes to complete.

This is your chance to have a say on what skills a new educator needs that can be delivered through a micro-credential. The survey is open now and, and you can have your say until Friday, 21 April 2023.

Complete the survey here: SAEW Training Needs Analysis Survey.

Your support is needed

To ensure views of ECEC sector are fully represented on which micro-credential topics and other services are to be developed through the SAEW project, please complete the survey and distribute to other staff across your service, including Certificate III qualified early childhood educators and team members in leadership/supervisory roles. We would also welcome the opportunity for you to promote the survey across your networks in the early childhood sector.

To assist respondents in completing the survey, Gowrie Victoria has developed a summary of the key learning outcomes and target groups for each micro-credential topic listed in the survey. You can download a copy of the micro-credential key learning outcomes here: Micro-credential Key Learning Outcomes

What happens after the survey closes?

Once the results of the training needs analysis have been finalised, up to eight short micro-credentials (one hour each) and two long micro-credentials (two – four hours each) will be selected for development and published on a Learning Management System. To support new early childhood educators undertaking the micro-credentials, a Community of Practice will also be established in early 2024.

If you would like further information on the training needs analysis survey or the SAEW project more broadly, please contact Greg Box, SAEW Project Manager via email: gbox@elaa.org.au or telephone: (03) 9411 9115.

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