03 MayFederal Budget $72.4 million announcement

Posted on 03 May 2023

On 3 May the Federal Government announced that their budget will include an additional $72.4 million over five years to support the Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) workforce. 

These initiatives include: 

  • funding for backfill whilst educators undertake professional learning 
  • financial support for educators to upskill by providing financial support for placements
  • a living allowance for students to undertake practicum in a rural and remote location. 

The announcement also references $18 million available through the Community Child Care Fund for grants of up to $900,000 to establish new services in areas of limited supply. 

ELAA members, particularly in rural areas, have consistently raised the issue of the cost of undertaking placements, and challenges in attracting students to rural and regional services. We are hopeful this initiative will encourage more students to upskill and to seek employment in areas of need.  

ELAA will be following the Tuesday 9 May budget release and is hoping to see further announcements around the Activity Test and supporting educator wages. 

To view the full announcement, CLICK HERE. 

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