11 MayELAAvate 11 May 2023

Posted on 11 May 2023

In this week’s ELAAVate read about a new competitive grant round that has opened under the Community Child Care Fund (CCCF) program. This opportunity will provide $18million to establish new Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) services in areas of limited supply.  . Also in this week’s ELAAvate:

  • ELAA consultancy services – tailored support for critical issues in your service
  • Budget has heart but more needed on ECEC reforms
  • Advocacy support for members
  • Members – don’t forget to register for our new service model webinar
  • Best Start Best Life financial incentives for kindergarten teachers and educators
  • ECA – children’s health and safety conference
  • Who do you let into your service
  • HESTA – Super with impact
  • Share your thoughts about the Vic Best Start Best Life reforms
  • EnrolNow – customised administration software for your service

CLICK HERE to read ELAAvate

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