24 MayELAA takes its Productivity Commission recommendations to Canberra

Posted on 24 May 2023

ELAA went to Canberra on 23 May to advocate for the key recommendations contained in our submission to the Productivity Commission’s inquiry review of Australia’s Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) sector.

Acting CEO, Megan O’Connell, met with advisers for Anne Aly, Minister for Early Childhood Education, and Jason Clare, Minister for Education. 

Both advisors were keen to hear more about our submission, including what it would take for kindergartens to be able to offer extended hours, and how our existing industrial agreement, the Victorian Early Childhood Teachers and Educators Agreement (VECTEA), succeeds in offering superior wages for teachers. 

A good discussion ensued on quality, which centred around the Ministers’ desire and expectation that standards under the National Quality Framework will be maintained and enhanced and that lowering workforce qualifications will not be entertained. 

We also discussed how current infrastructure funding is insufficient to grow community sector delivery. 

Our Acting CEO also engaged with the Productivity Commission’s Assistant Commissioner, Miriam Veisman-Apter, who confirmed the Commission is still interested in hearing from people and is happy to accept submissions in any form, including brief comments via the Commission’s website. We would encourage members to submit their thoughts as all submissions, no matter how short, are welcomed. 

To read ELAA’s submission to the Productivity Commission, please CLICK HERE.  

Should you have any questions about how to make a submission, please email our Advocacy team at: Advocacy@ELAA.org.au  

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