22 JunELAAvate 22 June 2023

Posted on 22 Jun 2023

In this week’s ELAAvate get an update on when our new Award and VECTEA Wages Bulletins will be published and when updated salaries and allowances will take effect.

Also in ELAAvate:

-financial incentives for kindergarten teachers and educators
-VECTEA and Award Wage Bulletins to be published on 3 July 2023
-Term 2 ELAA advocacy summary
-additional funding announced for Building Blocks Grants
-informing families of changes to Child Care Subsidy
-introducing Manual Handling Basics – WorkSafe’s new education program
-our insurance should be child’s play
-upcoming governance session – ‘Ending the Year on a High’
-member webinar: What’s new in industrial relations in 2023?
-initiatives to attract quality teachers and educators to Victoria

CLICK HERE to read ELAAvate

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