Statement on the Voice to Parliament

Sue West

Chairperson, ELAA Board

Terri Smith

Interim CEO, ELAA

ELAA Statement on the Voice to Parliament from the Interim CEO and Chairperson

ELAA is pleased to support the enshrining of an indigenous Voice to Parliament, to further reconciliation with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.  

As a peak body for Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC), ELAA recognises the rich and deep history of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, their strength and capability informed by their ongoing connection to land, and their ways of raising, nurturing and educating children enduring throughout time.   

ELAA is committed to equity and quality. We advocate for all children to have a voice in their education, and believe everyone should have a voice on what impacts them.  

Our belief in the Voice to Parliament is consistent with this.  

We believe First Nations people should be consulted on issues that impact them and that Australia should champion the right of Aboriginal communities to self-determination. 

The Uluru Statement from the Heart invited us to walk together to build a better future by establishing a First Nations Voice to Parliament. 

ELAA is excited by what Australia can learn and gain from listening, more regularly and deeply, to our oldest living culture. 

The Voice to Parliament will strengthen Australia, both now and for generations to come.