17 OctOctober is Health and Safety Month

Posted on 17 Oct 2023

October is Health and Safety Month, and it’s a great time to focus on the well-being of everyone in your service. This includes workers, children and anyone visiting your service. WorkSafe Victoria and Safe Work Australia offer a wealth of resources to assist you in this, including online webinars, posters, and information sheets.

This year’s Health and Safety Month theme is “For everyone’s safety, work safely”. 

Another significant resource is the ACECQA Risk Assessment and Management Tool (RAMT). It’s designed around an occupational health and safety management system, closely mirroring the systems employers and employees use to ensure staff safety. We recommend taking a closer look at this tool to see how it can be seamlessly integrated into your existing safety protocols. It’s a versatile tool that can support both employee and children’s health and safety.  

As part of ELAA’s continued focus on OHS we are hosting a one-day OHS seminar on Tuesday, 14 November. During this seminar we’ll explore a systems approach to OHS, delve into the RAMT, tackle hazardous manual handling, and address other essential topics.

CLICK HERE to register for the seminar. 

As always, it promises to be an informative and engaging experience.

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