23 NovMeet ELAA’s new CEO – Andrew Cameron

Posted on 23 Nov 2023

Dear ELAA members 

I am really pleased to have joined the ELAA team as CEO.  

My first days in the role have been spent with ELAA staff getting up to speed with ELAA’s operations, advocacy agenda, and key projects such as the VECTEA 2024 member onboarding and Skilling an Adaptable Early Childhood Education and Care Workforce (SAEW) project. I can already see the determined effort ELAA’s team makes on a daily basis to add value to and on behalf of ELAA’s members. 

As ELAA’s incoming CEO, one of my primary objectives will be to continue building ELAA’s capacity as a valued provider of services and support to the Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) sector, and to engender a strong and confident voice on behalf of our members. That means celebrating the successes of our members and the wider sector, building strong partnerships, and advocating for change when and where it is needed. 

One of ELAA’s key pieces of advocacy work this year has been our active contribution to the Australian Productivity Commission’s inquiry into the ECEC sector. The Commission’s draft report will be released later this evening. ELAA will closely monitor the Australian Government’s response to the report’s recommendations. We will continue to advocate for our members’ interests through the report’s public hearings and submissions stage in the first half of 2024.  

After a career inside government and having spent the past decade leading not-for-profit associations and service delivery organisations, I’m grateful for the opportunity to help progress ELAA’s important work in empowering our members to deliver excellence and equity in Early Childhood Education and Care. I’m greatly looking forward to connecting with and learning from our members over the coming weeks and months. 


Andrew Cameron 


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