12 DecGive your feedback – Early Years Strategy

Posted on 12 Dec 2023

In April 2023 ELAA submitted our recommendations to the Australian Government to help inform their 2024-2034 Early Years Strategy. ELAA’s submission outlined four key principles and four policy priorities that represent what we think the Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) sector needs for a successful future.  

ELAA recommended that the strategy be underpinned by the following principles: 

  1. evidence based
  2. improved accessibility
  3. equity focused
  4. high quality.

On December 7, 2023, the Australian Department of Education released the Draft Early Years Strategy 2024 – 2023, informed by roundtables with ECEC sector stakeholders, written submissions, and consultations with children. The draft strategy highlights the effect ECEC has on the success of young Australian’s, providing a framework for how the government supports children aged 0-5, their caregivers, families, kin and the communities who support them.

The five principles that the draft report sets out are:  

  1. child and family-centred
  2. strengths-based
  3. respect for families and the community
  4. equitable, inclusive and respectful of diversity
  5. evidence informed.  

ELAA, alongside other stakeholders, will be responding to the Australian Government’s draft strategy via their feedback survey. We want to encourage our members to also submit their feedback.  

You can read the draft strategy by clicking HERE.  

To have your say, take the survey by clicking HERE.  

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