07 FebEffective committee meetings – drop in session

Posted on 07 Feb 2024

The ELAA’s Member Solutions team will be holding an online drop-in session to support Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) services to run effective Committee of Management meetings.

This session is interactive and participants will have the opportunity to discuss their Committee of Management meeting requirements with our Member Solutions team and members from other organisations.

Topics may include, but are not limited to:

  • constitution requirements
  • documentation requirements, including financial reports
  • chairing a meeting.

About our presenters

ELAA’s Member Solutions team bring specialist skills and extensive experience to these sessions. With backgrounds in the management of early childhood services, industrial relations, human resource management, and early childhood teaching, they understand the challenges that Committees of Management face.

Presented by ELAA in partnership with the Victorian Department of Education.

Registrations and meeting arrangements

When: Wednesday 6 March @ 12:30pm – 1:15pm AEST

Where: the session will be held via Zoom webinar. 

To register please CLICK HERE and select the number of tickets and follow the prompts. Zoom details will be emailed the day prior to the session, please email training@elaa.org.au if you do not receive your email.

 Please note registrations are limited to 20 places.

The ELAA team is looking forward to your participation in this session.

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