30 JanResources

Posted on 30 Jan 2024

We would like to take this opportunity to remind you of the extensive catalogue of resources accessible on the ELAA website. Covering a diverse range of topics, these resources provide support in various areas. Many of our resources are available for free or are included within membership costs.

Purchased resources include:

  • PolicyWorks: this catalogue is designed to provide information and guidance to assist Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) services to develop and update policies and procedures to meet legislative, regulatory, and funding requirements. The PolicyWorks Catalogue can be easily adapted for funded kindergarten and early years services
  • Employment and Onboarding Guide: this thorough guide covers various topics and templates, including effective recruitment strategies, position descriptions, letters of employment, efficient onboarding, and successful probationary periods, amongst others.

ELAA members receive discounted rates, make sure you log in before you purchase. To purchase these resources CLICK HERE

Some free resources available from the ELAA website include:

  • Managing Performance Related Concerns (MPRC): a resource guiding employers in managing issues of underperformance and misconduct in the workplace, building understanding of industrial relations obligations
  • ABC’s of CISS Practice Guide: developed to address key questions and build confidence for early childhood teachers, educators, and leaders participating in the Child Information Sharing Scheme
  • BudgetWorks v4 Manual: developed by ELAA to support ECEC services with developing early childhood programs and balancing community demands with industrial, funding, and regulatory requirements
  • ModelWorks v4 Manual: developed by ELAA in conjunction with the Victorian Department of Education to support ECEC services with the preparation of funded kindergarten expansion across Victoria, specifically with the inclusion of three-year-old kindergarten service provision
  • Employee Management and Development Resource: developed by ELAA to support early childhood education and care services in the ongoing management and development of their employees
  • Early Years Management Transition Guide:  developed in partnership with the Victorian Department of Education, provides a step-by-step guide to support kindergarten committees considering or in the process of transitioning to Early Years Management (EYM).

To access our free resources CLICK HERE.

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