A male educator is supervising a child playing with mud and exploring texture

23 AprCapability Assessment Support Service

Posted on 23 Apr 2024

Early Childhood Teachers (ECTs) play a crucial role in our kindergartens, fostering children’s growth through play-based learning and development. ELAA is dedicated to collaborating with employers to assist teachers in their journey towards continuous growth and career advancement. One of our key initiatives in this regard is our Capability Assessment Support Service.

The Victorian Early Childhood Teachers and Educators Agreement (VECTEA) acknowledges eligible teachers and their potential to advance from Level 2.5 to Level 3.1 within its career framework. Qualified and experienced teachers can demonstrate their competencies through the Capability Assessment, paving the way for progression in their professional journey.

ELAA’s Capability Assessment Support Program for EYM’s and Committees of Management entails an ELAA team member, skilled in early childhood education, participating in your Capability Assessment panel. Our specialist will facilitate a fair and transparent Capability Assessment by engaging in constructive discussions with your management team. An ELAA Consultant might offer recommendations to the designated representative/s of the Approved Provider in attendance.

Our support, provided for up to two hours, encompasses:

  • Preliminary discussions with the capability assessment sub-committee (or designated management representative/s) before the assessment, which may include phone consultations.
  • Active participation in the capability assessment, either via Zoom or in-person at the service. ELAA’s role in this phase is to act as a supportive panel member, contributing to the collaborative dialogue between the teacher and sub-committee. However, the final decision regarding the capability assessment rests with the subcommittee.
  • Engagement in post-assessment discussions with the subcommittee.
  • Completion and provision of Tool 6: Discussion Record.
  • Assistance in formulating assessment questions.

To find our more on what ELAA can offer you with our Capability Assessment Support Service, CLICK HERE.

We are here to collaborate with you and assist in guiding your career development journey.

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