
We work in partnership with government, peak bodies, not for profits and state and national businesses.

Is your organisation committed to making a difference in the Early Childhood Education and Care sector?

We seek partnerships with organisations who are interested in working with ELAA as long-term partners and who are invested in making a difference in the industry. Relationships are developed to be mutually beneficial, have clear alignment and make a difference for our members, our partners and the sector.

As all organisations are unique, we will work with you to build a tailored partnership to meet your objectives.

We have a proven track record of establishing well managed mutually beneficial partnerships with some of our partners having been with us for over 20 years.

Our wonderful partners represent some of Australia’s largest and well-known brands.

Why partner with us?
– We are uniquely placed to raise your business profile in the ECEC sector
– Work with a values based peak body who are trusted by their members
– We actively work with our partners, developing flexible tailored approaches to maximise your return on investment
– We have a dedicated, largely female audience – and we know what works for them

Get in touch
Early Learning Association Australia