Our Submissions



CCC, CELA and ELAA Select Committee on Work and Care Submission

The Senate Select Committee on Work and Care was appointed by the Senate on 3 August 2022 to inquire into the impact that combining work and care responsibilities has on the wellbeing of workers, carers, and those they care for. The committee will consider evidence on the extent and nature of work and care arrangements, the adequacy of current support systems, and effective work and care policies and practices in place in Australia and overseas. Community Child Care (CCC) and Community Early Learning Australia (CELA) collaborated with ELAA to create a submission to the committee, with the aim of presenting our responses and recommendations to the proposed terms of reference that the Work and Care Committee will follow.

ELAA continues to advocate for excellence, equity, quality and the wellbeing of all levels of the early education and care sector.

To view the submission CLICK HERE



Six Point Plan for Education & Care

Ahead of the Australian Federal Election, Early Learning Association Australia, Community Child Care Association, and Community Early Learning Australia have produced an ambitious Six Point Plan to deliver: (more…)



ELAA’s State Budget Submission 2022-2023

On behalf of members ELAA has called on the Andrew’s Government to continue to expand its investment in its Education State policy. ELAA’s State Budget Submission 2022-23 has called for: (more…)



Investing in our future: Growing the education and care workforce

In this paper – prepared by Community Early Learning Australia (CELA), Early Learning Association Australia (ELAA) and Community Child Care Association (CCC)  – we examine current workforce pressures, their impact on education and care services and possible ways forward.

In the context of the release of the ACECQA workforce strategy and a focus on workforce in many states, we propose a range of measures to support our sector to attract, develop and retain our vital workforce.

CLICK HERE to download the paper.



Victorian Early Childhood Workforce Strategy 30 June 2021

ELAA welcomes the opportunity to make this submission on behalf of our members to inform the development of a Victorian Early Childhood Workforce Strategy. (more…)



Submission to ACECQA re National Workforce Strategy

ELAA has joined with Community Child Care (CCC) and Community Early Learning Australia (CELA) to jointly advocate for urgent measures to stem workforce shortages, as well as medium- and longer-term measures to attract, develop and retain the early childhood workforce. (more…)



National Quality Framework 2019 Review

ELAA has consulted with our members in the formulation of this submission to the National Quality Framework 2019 Review through meetings, a workshop and promoting the opportunity to provide written feedback directly. (more…)



State Budget Submission to Victorian Government 2021-2022

On behalf of our members ELAA has made a submission for the consideration of the Andrews Government in the formulation of its budget for 2021-2022. The submission goes to the ways better outcomes for all children can be achieved through: (more…)



Streamlining approval processes for providers

ELAA has made a submission regarding a Department of Education and Skills and Employment consultation about streamlining of approval processes of CCS providers. ELAA supports the streamlining of administrative processes to become an approved provider under Family Assistance Law and National Law as described under Option 2 of the Regulatory Impact Assessment. The submission expressed concern about the potential additional administrative burden (more…)



Supplementary State Budget Submission to Victorian Government 2020-21

This submission is supplementary to ELAA’s  Pre-budget Submission to the Victorian Government 2020-2021 and takes account of the impact of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic on the early childhood sector and our members. It provides advice to the Victorian State Government on its delayed State Budget for 2020-2021. As Victoria prepares for COVID Normal, ELAA is advocating for: (more…)

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