Our Submissions



Long Service Benefits Portability Scheme Draft Regulations

ELAA, together with Community Child Care, has made a joint submission on the Exposure Draft Regulations of the Long Service Benefits Portability Scheme which are due to come into effect from November 2020. (more…)



Parliamentary Inquiry into the Early Childhood Engagement of CALD Communities – supplementary submission

ELAA has provided a supplementary submission ELAA CALD Inquiry Supplementary COVID-19 Submission v1 Jun 2020 to the Victorian Parliamentary Inquiry into early childhood engagement of culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) communities. (more…)



Submission – Senate Select Committee Inquiry into COVID-19 response

ELAA’s submission to the Senate Select Committee Inquiry into the Federal Government’s coronavirus (COVID-19) response outlines the challenges in the implementation of the ECEC Relief Package. The submission outlines changes to the Child Care Subsidy system needed to ensure fair and stable services to all children and families as we begin to transition to the next phase of the pandemic.

Click to read the submission



ECEC relief package: one-month review

ELAA’s submission to the one-month review of the ECEC Relief Package highlights the uncertainties of its benefits until the outcomes of JobKeeper applications and Exceptional Circumstances applications are known. In preparing for the future beyond 1 July, 2020 – when the current ECEC Relief funding is expected to expire – a revised more flexible funding model is needed including the removal of the activity test and more support for families and children who are disadvantaged.

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Budget Submission to the Federal Government 2020-2021

ELAA’s Federal Budget Submission outlines four priorities for the consideration of the Morrison Government: (more…)



Review of the VIT Code of Conduct

ELAA provided a submission to the review of the Code of Conduct and advocated for the establishment of a national teacher registration scheme and a national code of conduct. ELAA recommended that opportunities for teachers to engage with the code of conduct, such as through professional development be established.

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Budget Submission to the Victorian Government 2020-2021

ELAA’s 2020-2021 State Budget Submission make recommendations on the implementation of two years of kindergarten, the expansion of a quality workforce and the sustainability of services.

Read the submission



Child Information Sharing submission

The Child Information Sharing scheme will support collaborative practice between professionals to support children’s wellbeing. ELAA has provided a submission in support of the scheme with feedback about how training and resources can be successfully used in the next stage of the roll out. (more…)



Parliamentary Inquiry into the Early Childhood Engagement of CALD Communities

ELAA has made a submission on behalf of its members to the Parliamentary Inquiry into the early childhood engagement of cultural and linguistically diverse communities. (more…)



ELAA’s submission to the Review of the Universal Access National Partnership (UANP)

ELAA has made a submission to the Review of the Universal Access National Partnership (UANP). In it’s submission, ELAA makes seven key recommendations (more…)

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