27 AprELAAvate 27 April 2023

Posted on 27 Apr 2023

In this week’s ELAAvate there’s a heads up for ELAA members on an important webinar coming later in May where we will be introducing members to the new ELAA Service Model. It’s all about more choice, flexibility, and much easier access to our services and resources. Look out for your member-only email invitation coming soon.

Also in this week’s ELAAvate:

-Welcome back to Term 2

-Superannuation – caring about your future

-Child information sharing scheme

-Importance of up-to-date policies and procedures

-Best practice hygiene at early learning services

-Best Start, Best Life consultations in summary

-Term 1 pulse check survey results

-Initiatives to attract quality teachers and educators to Vic

-1 day OHS training for the ECEC Sector -Kathy Walker Early Learning Series

-Financial incentives for kindergarten teachers and educators.

CLICK HERE for ELAAvate https://bit.ly/3AvFeQr

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