29 FebELAAvate 29 February 2024

Posted on 29 Feb 2024

In this week’s edition of ELAAvate join ELAA in shaping the future of the Early Childhood Education and Care sector in Victoria by registered for a Best Start Best Life reform focus group. Also in ELAAvate:

-New training: Managing staff for Committees of Management
-Do you have a Reconciliation Action Plan?
-Closing the Gap in ECEC
-Term 1 pulse check survey
-Governance videos
-Thrive: Inspiring sustained excellence – register now
-ELAA’s capability assessment support service
-Navigating long service leave in Victoria
-Timetable request for 2024 ThingleToodle sessions
-Share your story with the ELAA Community
-Bunnings has ELAA members covered

CLICK HERE to read ELAAvate

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