06 AprELAAvate 6 April 2023

Posted on 06 Apr 2023

ELAAvate – essential news for the early learning sector.

In this week’s ELAAvate:
  • Victorian Government funding announcements
  • New governance training videos available
  • Bethany and BCYF merge to become Meli
  • Financial incentives for kindergarten teachers and eductors
  • 1 Day OHS Training for the ECEC Sector
  • Kathy Walker Series for educators, parents, and kindergarten committees
  • We’d love your help with ELAA’s visual branding refresh
  • Bunnings Trade membership for ELAA members
  • Updated E4L Childhood Education Toolkit
  • Nominations open for the HESTA Early Childhood Education and Care Awards
  • Enrol Now – Digital Sign In Sign Out

CLICK HERE to view ELAAvate.

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