28 MayWho’s looking out for you? New EAP partnership

Posted on 28 May 2021

ELAA is partnering with lnjurynet to offer free well being support to our members and their teams. The service is available to Early Childhood Professionals,to help manage their mental health and well being. The Well being Support Service is available to all employees who don’t currently have access to Employee Assistance Program services*.

  • An experienced and qualified allied health professional will support you whilst you use the service
  • Access up to four funded tele-health appointments with a psychologist
  • Appointments can be after hours and in languages other than English (subject to availability)
  • Confidential service – your details will not be provided to your employer or WorkSafe

*If you are under the VECTEA 2020 please contact your service provider directly to access EAP support.

To access this service, please call 1300 945 675 or email worksafe@lnjurynet.com.au

Share the support with your staff

This service is for all workers in the early learning sector and we encourage you to inform your staff that they have access to the service. Here are some resources you can share with your employees:

CLICK to download the flyer

CLICK HERE to download the poster

Print off the flyers and put them in the coffee room, send out a post in your internal communications channels or send a text message in your Whats App? group.

Here’s an example of a communications message you could send to your staff:

Always looking after others? What about you? We are partnering with Injurynet to offer free, confidential wellbeing support. If you feel like you are experiencing early signs of stress and anxiety, contact Injurynet today. Call 1300 945 675 or email worksafe@injurynet.com.au

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