
Every week during Victorian school terms ‘ELAAvate’ brings you all the latest news from the early learning sector plus updates from ELAA on our events, policy, and practice resources. There’s also special editions for major events and campaigns.



ELAAvate 4 May 2023

In this week’s ELAAVate read about ELAA’s submission to the Commonwealth Government’s Early Years Strategy in which we lay out four key principles and four policy priority recommendations. Also in this week’s ELAAvate:

  • Recognition as an ‘equivalent early childhood teacher’
  • Child Care Subsidy is changing
  • Australian migration strategy announced
  • Bunnings Trade PowerPass exclusive benefits for ELAA members
  • Resources available to encourage 2024 enrolments
  • Do you know your employer long service leave obligations?
  • 1 day OHS training for the ECEC sector
  • Research advancing safety for children with medical conditions on roads
  • Share your thoughts about the Vic Best Start Best Life reforms
  • ANZUK.education – right educator, right place, right time.

CLICK HERE to read ELAAvate



ELAAvate 27 April 2023

In this week’s ELAAvate there’s a heads up for ELAA members on an important webinar coming later in May where we will be introducing members to the new ELAA Service Model. It’s all about more choice, flexibility, and much easier access to our services and resources. Look out for your member-only email invitation coming soon.

Also in this week’s ELAAvate:

-Welcome back to Term 2

-Superannuation – caring about your future

-Child information sharing scheme

-Importance of up-to-date policies and procedures

-Best practice hygiene at early learning services

-Best Start, Best Life consultations in summary

-Term 1 pulse check survey results

-Initiatives to attract quality teachers and educators to Vic

-1 day OHS training for the ECEC Sector -Kathy Walker Early Learning Series

-Financial incentives for kindergarten teachers and educators.

CLICK HERE for ELAAvate https://bit.ly/3AvFeQr



ELAAvate 6 April 2023

ELAAvate – essential news for the early learning sector.

In this week’s ELAAvate:
  • Victorian Government funding announcements
  • New governance training videos available
  • Bethany and BCYF merge to become Meli
  • Financial incentives for kindergarten teachers and eductors
  • 1 Day OHS Training for the ECEC Sector
  • Kathy Walker Series for educators, parents, and kindergarten committees
  • We’d love your help with ELAA’s visual branding refresh
  • Bunnings Trade membership for ELAA members
  • Updated E4L Childhood Education Toolkit
  • Nominations open for the HESTA Early Childhood Education and Care Awards
  • Enrol Now – Digital Sign In Sign Out

CLICK HERE to view ELAAvate.



ELAAvate 30 March 2023

ELAAvate – essential news for the early learning sector.

In this week’s ELAAvate:
  • ELAA consultancy services
  • Still time to register Nth Western Vic free governance training
  • ELAA members – don’t forget to check your pulse!
  • April VECTEA (Award) wage bulletins published
  • Best Start Best Life Consultation
  • Inclusion support review
  • ELAA speaks at Sparkways conference
  • Training Needs Analysis survey
  • We’d love your help with ELAA’s visual branding refresh
  • Manual handling basics training
  • Good Friday Appeal ‘Kids Day Out’

CLICK HERE to view ELAAvate.



ELAAvate 23 March 2023

ELAAvate – essential news for the early learning sector.

In this week’s ELAAvate:
  • Financial incentives for kindergarten teachers and educators
  • Still time to register for tonight’s free committee training
  • Calling for member feedback on ELAA’s branding refresh
  • ELAA is moving to a great new location
  • Term 1 member pulse check survey
  • National vision for ECEC
  • National Early Years Summit
  • HR / IR specialists – join ELAA’s IR Reference Group
  • Federal award negotiations – Long Day Care consultation sessions
  • Exclusive Bunnings Trade PowerPass pricing and benefits for ELAA members

CLICK HERE to view ELAAvate.



ELAAvate 16 March 2023

ELAAvate – essential news for the early learning sector.

In this week’s ELAAvate:
  • Did you know? ACECQA national transportation regulations
  • Have your voice heard – upcoming submissions
  • Work and Care Report
  • Free governance training tailored for Nth Western Vic committees
  • Governance Training – Financial Management
  • Break the endless sickness cycle in early learning environments
  • Financial incentives for kindergarten teachers and educators

CLICK HERE to view ELAAvate.



ELAAvate 9 March 2023

ELAAvate – essential news for the early learning sector.
In this week’s ELAAvate:
  • Free 45 minute webinar for Committees of Management
  • ELAA’s Best Start, Best Life infrastructure consultation
  • ELAA meets with the Productivity Commissioners
  • ANZSCO review
  • It’s ok to share, you could make a difference
  • Skilling the ECEC Workforce
  • ELAA helps design new coaching and mentoring opportunities

CLICK HERE to view ELAAvate.



ELAAvate 2 March 2023

ELAAvate – essential news for the early learning sector.

In this week’s ELAAvate:

-Financial incentives for kindergarten teachers and educators in Vic

-Best Start, Best Life ECEC reforms schedule and first consultation

-ELAA is very excited to announce our new insurance partner

-IR update – Workforce Crisis National Meeting

-Go Digital in 2023 – Kim uploads are just the beginning with Enrol Now

-Representing ECEC in the Care and Support Economy

-Find everything you need this year at Officeworks.

CLICK HERE to view ELAAvate



ELAAvate 23 February 2023

ELAAvate – essential news for the early learning sector.
In this week’s ELAAvate:
-Minister for Education … “This is a big year for education”
-Where will the new government-owned and run ECEC centres be located?
-Upcoming Governance training sessions
-How useful are informal discussions in managing employee underperformance?
-anzuk.education – right educator, right place, right time
-Are you across best practice hygiene approaches in early childhood services?
-ECA Child Information Sharing Scheme info sessions
-Did you know? – No Jab No Play
-Bunnings Trade – Exclusive PowerPass membership benefits
CLICK HERE to view ELAAvate



ELAAvate 16 February 2023

ELAAvate – essential news for the early learning sector. In this week’s ELAAvate:

  • ELAA Features on the project
  • Best Start, Best Life member forum
  • Minister announcement at Educational Leaders Conference
  • What’s happening in Industrial Relations?
  • Preventing Mosquito-borne Diseases in Kindergartens and Day Care Services
  • Sparkways celebrates 140 years
  • Urgent timetable request for 2023 free Thingle Toodle (TT) sessions
  • Governance Training in 2023

CLICK HERE to view ELAAvate

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