10 MayAdvocacy support for members

Posted on 10 May 2023

Although we are still at the beginning of Term 2, 2023 has been full of funding announcements, calls for submissions, and has seen ELAA host the initial member consultation phase for the Best Start, Best Life reforms.  

We are grateful for the commitment our membership has made and continues to make to assist ELAA with our advocacy. Currently we are working on our submission to the Productivity Commission, where we will be advocating to make Australia’s Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) system more accessible and equitable for all.  

Some of our members have reached out to our team about their own submissions. Our Advocacy team encourages members planning to make a submission to the Productivity Commission and wanting support to contact us at Advocacy@elaa.org.au. It is important for the commissioners to hear from the ECEC sector, so their inquiry report accurately reflects what services and families need to ensure high quality outcomes for Australian children.  

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