08 FebAssist the ACCC In their inquiry

Posted on 08 Feb 2023

The Australian Competition & Consumer Commission (ACCC) is calling for expressions of interest from Commonwealth funded Early Childhood Education and Care providers with fewer than 40 services. Services can include Centre Based Day Care, Family Day Care, In Home Care or Outside School Hours Care.

The inquiry is open only to services that operate Commonwealth funded services. This inquiry will not consider input from sessional kindergartens.

ELAA encourages our members to put their expressions of interest in and WE will be happy to assist you in your participation if you would like. It is important for the ACCC to collect a diverse range of data so that all aspects of the sector are taken into account.

The inquiry is looking into the market for the supply of childcare services. The ACCC wants to hear about your experience as a provider to understand the costs associated with running your business.

To submit your expression of interest, please CLICK HERE.

More information about the Inquiry is available on the ACCC’s Childcare inquiry page.

If you have any questions, please contact the ACCC at: childcareinquirytaskforce@accc.gov.au


contact our Policy and Stakeholder Relations Specialist Noah Hurst at: NHurst@ELAA.org.au

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