03 MayAustralian migration strategy announced

Posted on 03 May 2023

The Australian Government announced has published an outline heralding a new direction in Australia’s migration policy. The outline, titled A Migration System for a More Prosperous and Secure Australia, calls for a refreshed and refined migration system that would see Australia welcome migrant workers to help our economy prosper and fill workforce gaps as migrants have done historically.

The strategy reflects ELAA advocacy including our submission for a migration system for Australia’s future. To read our submission, please CLICK HERE.

As per ELAA’s recommendations, the migration strategy is seeking to simplify and update the current systems used to process migration.

The Government’s strategy outline notes that the current system is outdated and complex, limiting migrant workers’ potential. Despite a growing workforce shortage of 8,000 teachers and educators in Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC), early childhood teachers are not on the migration priority list. Unnecessary barriers to obtaining temporary or permanent occupational visas prevent educators and nurses from choosing Australia as their new home.

ELAA welcomes the migration strategy outline and its focus on reducing the complexities for skilled workers to emigrate to Australia and will continue to advocate for skilled migrant workers in ECEC to be a policy priority.

The strategy outline presents changes to build a migration system that works for migrants and Australia, its people, businesses, and governments. The strategy notes that a targeted, simpler migration system will serve our national interest and help migrants succeed.

During May and June 2023, the Australian Government will consult State and Territory governments and key stakeholders – unions, business groups, and civil society – on the outline of the Strategy and these critical policy shifts.

The Australian Government plans to release the final Migration Strategy later in 2023.

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