07 DecCelebrating progress across children’s education and care

Posted on 07 Dec 2022

The Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority (ACECQA) has released its annual National Quality Framework performance report. The report illustrates progress and challenges across the sector. 

The shape of the sector is changing, with half of Australia’s 17,000 children’s education and care services classified as long day care services, and less than a fifth as preschools/kindergartens. 

This report highlights the significant progress that has been made in the sector over time, with an increase in the percentage of services rated as meeting the National Quality Standards from under two thirds in 2014 to close to 90 percent in 2022. 

There have been welcome increases in the percentage of services meeting quality standards in education program and practice. 

However, there remains a large difference in the overall quality ratings depending on socio-economic backgrounds with the most disadvantaged areas a third less likely to be ranked as exceeding compared to advantaged areas. 

The report shows that staffing waivers have trebled in long day care and more than doubled in kindergarten since 2013, illustrating the protracted and growing workforce shortages. 


ELAA looks forward to continuing to advocate for and address issues around equity. We know community providers are more likely to provide higher quality provision, and to operate in communities with vulnerabilities.  

We also look forward to introducing you to exciting new initiatives to support the workforce in 2023. 

To read the report, please CLICK HERE.  


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