23 AugMortlake Kindergarten scores 7 out of 7 on quality rating

Posted on 23 Aug 2023

A huge hi-five to ELAA member, Mortlake and District Kindergarten, a Moyne Shire service in Victoria’s South West for achieving the highest ranking under the National Quality Framework (NQF).

Mortlake was rated as ‘Exceeding National Quality Standard’ – a rating given to services by the Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority (ACECQA) to services which exceed the rated requirements in at least four of the seven NQF quality areas. Mortlake were rated as exceeding in all seven areas assessed.

Seven out of seven is a huge achievement and ELAA congratulates all the Mortlake staff involved on achieving this brilliant result. To read more about Mortlake’s achievement CLICK HERE to read the full story on the Moyne Shire website.


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