17 MayCurrent reviews into ECEC programs

Posted on 17 May 2023

There are currently a number of reviews happening in the Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) sector that ELAA would like to inform members about.

The reviews include:  

  • the Inclusion Support Program conducted by Deloitte through stakeholder consultations. The Review is set to be delivered mid-2023. CLICK HERE to read more about the Inclusion Support Program Review
  • Community Child Care Fund Restricted Review (CCCF). The CCCF restricted grant was set up in 2018. The Review is being conducted by Deloitte in conjunction with SNAICC and Murawin and is looking for comments by 30 June with the consultation period ending in September. The report is estimated to be completed by early 2024. CLICK HERE to read more about the Community Child Care Fund Restricted Review
  • In Home Care Review undertaken by PWC. The report will examine support in home care and the quality of education and viability. The report is set to be delivered mid-2023. CLICK HERE to read more about the In Home Care Review.

ELAA encourages members to share their perspectives and participate in each of these reviews. It is important service provider perspectives are included and the team at ELAA are happy to support you with this. If you want ELAA’s advocacy team to convey a message regarding one or more of these topics, please contact us at advocacy@ELAA.org.au

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