23 NovEarly years strategy announcement

Posted on 23 Nov 2022

The Hon. Amanda Rishworth MP (Minister for Social Services) in partnership with The Hon. Dr Anne Aly MP (Minister for Early Childhood Education and Minister for Youth) have announced that they will be developing a Commonwealth Early Years strategy. The Strategy will be developed through extensive consultation and stakeholder engagement, commencing with a National Early Years Summit to be held on Friday, 17 February 2023 in Parliament House. 

This strategy is an exciting movement for the sector and demonstrates that the Australian Federal Government understands the importance of early years and the impact early years development has on the future for Australians.  

“This is about ensuring all Australian children get the best start in life no matter where they live or their background,” said Dr Aly. Dr Aly will be speaking at ELAA’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) next week on the topic of ‘Embracing Change’, which is pertinent to the announcement of this strategy.  

ELAA has been participating in an early childhood education and care reference group with other stakeholders and the federal government and will remain closely advised in the development of the early years strategy.  

To read the press release about the early years strategy and summit, please CLICK HERE. 

If you would like to see The Hon Dr Anne Aly MP speak at ELAA’s AGM, please RSVP BY CLICKING HERE at your earliest convenience. 

Associate and subscriber members do not have voting rights but are strongly encouraged to attend the AGM. 

On behalf of the Board and staff of ELAA, we look forward to celebrating the past year with you at the AGM on the 28 November 2022. 

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