24 AugELAA advocacy update 

Posted on 24 Aug 2022

ELAA has continued to actively advocate for members. Our focus remains at both a state and national level given heightened interest and new opportunities in both spheres. We have been working with the Australian Department of Education, providing insights to inform their scoping of key documents including the Productivity Commission Terms of Reference. We have also attended reference groups to inform the rollout of the new government’s agenda. 

We’ve been preparing for the Jobs Summit, meeting with peer organisations, writing ministers and sharing our priorities for action.  

At a local level, we’ve been engaging with the Victorian Department of Education to raise questions and concerns about Free Kindergarten, including the shared concern of many members at needing to operate at licensed capacity where this is financially unviable and there are alternative options for children. 

We’ve also been engaging with the Victorian Skills Authority, both at a local level in Central Highlands and centrally through the Community Services Industry Advisory Group to ensure workforce challenges and solutions are on the agenda. 

A reminder that our Free Kinder forum is coming up – please continue to send your questions to us and look for answers here. 

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