08 MarELAA meets with the Productivity Commission

Posted on 08 Mar 2023

On 6 November ELAA met with the Productivity Commission to inform their thinking as they commence their inquiry into early childhood education and care.

The meeting provided ELAA with the opportunity to highlight the unique role played by sessional kindergartens and early years managers Victoria, including the key strengths of the community sector in delivering early childhood education and care in rural and regional areas, across a range of socio-economic areas and engaging children who have are vulnerable or experience disadvantage.

The commissioners posed questions related to the full breadth of our sector, from access to infrastructure to the quality of preparatory courses for teachers and educators, providing assurance that the commission will examine a wide range of factors in order to advise government about how to achieve their vision of universal access to early childhood education and care.

The commission also sought feedback on a pathway to implementation of universal access including the key levers and timelines.

ELAA is preparing a submission to the Productivity Commission to highlight the unique role played by the community sector, and opportunities to invest in the sector to support greater access for children, for working families and efficient allocation of government resources.

To learn more about the Productivity Commission inquiry please CLICK HERE.

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