04 FebHow is your ECEC service faring during COVID?

Posted on 04 Feb 2022

During the pandemic ELAA has advocated for and seen positive changes regarding kinder minimum funding, gap fee waivers and absence rules and we continue our advocacy to support Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) service sustainability given high levels of absence. Success in our advocacy greatly depends on your support, so this year we will be running quarterly pulse check surveys to collect data on how your ECEC service/s is faring and they key pressure points you’re experiencing.

This information will be used to inform our advocacy and our development of training and resources.

Real life anecdotal evidence and fresh data are essential to our advocacy to governments and developing contemporary resources so we would greatly appreciate five minutes of your time to complete the first survey at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/9XH3TJ7

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