08 MarELAA’s Best Start, Best Life infrastructure consultation

Posted on 08 Mar 2023

The recently announced $9 billion Best Start, Best Life Early Childhood Education and Care reforms will roll out across Victoria between 2025 and 2032.   

On Tuesday 8 March ELAA and the Victorian Department of Education and Training (Vic DE) co-hosted the second of five single topic consultations to help inform Vic DE with the upcoming reforms.  

This second consultation gathered members to discuss building infrastructure capacity for the Best Start, Best Life reform, particularly reflecting on the Building Blocks initiative.  This discussion generated ideas on what would best aid services in adjusting and implementing the new reforms. Some topics covered by members were: 

  •  Financial costs of maintaining the new infrastructure 
  • increasing space with the 30-hour role out 
  • accessing grants and negotiating provisions 
  • planning on leased land 
  • KISP updates 
  • collaboration between services and different levels of government 
  • consideration of service proximity to other services e.g., maternal health, schools etc.  

This discussion was also an opportunity for those who had already accessed the Building Blocks program to share their experiences such as pre-site visits to help ease the application process.  


To attend the remaining three consultations, please CLICK HERE to register your interest. 

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