13 FebEvening leadership series

Posted on 13 Feb 2024

In 2024, the Victorian Department of Education will deliver new events to support Victoria’s early childhood leaders in their continued implementation of the Best Start, Best Life reforms.   

To support sector leaders to continue and expand on the successful roll-out of the reforms to date, the department is introducing the Best Start, Best Life Evening Leadership Series.   

The 2024 events will feature highly regarded guest speakers, including leaders in early childhood education and care, researchers and leadership experts.  

The series will provide valuable expertise and advice for leaders on how to prepare their teams and communities for these nation-leading reforms. The events will also share the latest developments about the progress of Best Start, Best Life 

These live-streamed events, taking place in Terms 1 and 4, are designed to complement the Early Learning Leadership Forums scheduled for Terms 2 and 3.  

The inaugural event, Leading for Impact, will take place in March 2024 at the Victorian Academy of Teaching and Leadership in North Melbourne. Attendees can join in person or online.  

Any leader within Victoria’s early childhood sector is invited to attend, including:  

  •  service managers and administrators  
  • committee of management members.  

To find out more information and to register, visit the TryBooking website HERE. 

For further enquiries, contact the Department of Education by email: ec.forums.networks@education.vic.gov.au.


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