21 FebExtreme weather: a call to review emergency management plans

Posted on 21 Feb 2024

Extreme weather events have become more frequent and unpredictable and recent occurrences have impacted a number of our members. We sincerely hope that those impacted by recent extreme weather events are being supported and urge those that have not already, to contact Victoria’s Quality Assessment and Regulation Division (QARD) for support. 

It’s crucial for Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) services to prioritise the safety and well-being of children, staff, and families. Effective emergency preparedness is essential to mitigate these risks and ensure a prompt and coordinated response in times of crisis. 

Reviewing Emergency Management Plans 

The first step in enhancing emergency readiness is to review and update existing Emergency Management Plans. These plans outline procedures and protocols for various emergency scenarios, including evacuation procedures, communication protocols, and staff responsibilities. 

Importance of telecommunications 

Telecommunications play a vital role in effective emergency management. Ensuring that phones are charged and operational during emergencies is essential, as they serve as primary communication tools for coordinating response efforts and informing families. Backup batteries or portable chargers can offer a solution for maintaining communication during power outages or prolonged emergencies. Additionally, investing in alternative communication devices like two-way radios or satellite phones can ease network disruptions or signal outages. We recommend that your incorporate regular checks into your OH&S plans to check that your devices are charged.  

Regular emergency evacuation drills 

Conducting emergency evacuation drills every three months will also help identify potential issues in evacuation routes or procedures. 

Additional resources 

Alongside telecommunications readiness, Emergency Management Plans should include evacuation procedures, first aid protocols, and strategies for protecting children and staff. The Victorian Department of Education provides a template and guidelines which you can download HERE for Emergency Management Plans. 

Additional resources for responding to emergencies in early childhood services: 

Emergency management in early childhood services | vic.gov.au (www.vic.gov.au) 

Incidents and Warnings – VicEmergency 

2023-24 Victorian storms and floods | vic.gov.au (www.vic.gov.au) 


Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements (DRFA) | National Emergency Management Agency (nema.gov.au) 

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