01 SepELAA CEO representing members in sector advocacy

Posted on 01 Sep 2022

On the Federal front, in partnership with Community Child Care and Community Early learning Association Australia, ELAA’s CEO (Mr David Worland) is currently engaged in a series of meetings with Federal politicians to build awareness of the value of community Early Childhood Education and Care, as well as inform the federal reforms to the Child Care Subsidy.  Issues being raised in relation to the reforms include workforce attraction, development and retention, infrastructure and a focus on equity of inclusion for all children. Further updates on this important work will be communicated to members in future editions of ELAAvate.

Federal Department of Education, Skills and Employment

Mr Worland also attended the quarterly cross peak stakeholder meeting held by the Federal Department of Education, Skills and Employment (DESE) in Canberra on Tuesday, 23 August 2022.  The day’s agenda covered a raft of elements attached to reforming the child care subsidy, including opportunities and challenges attached to attracting, developing and retaining a suitably skilled workforce. During the meeting, Mr Worland spoke to the unique challenges faced by the community sector from an infrastructure perspective, highlighting limited capital reserves and variable support from local councils to investing in and maintaining infrastructure.  A proposal was also made for greater collaboration across all levels of government to ensure the benefits of the early childhood education and care reforms were fully realised for children, their families, staff and providers.

Pictured: ELAA CEO – David Worland

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