12 SepGet fast facts about transitioning to Early Years Management

Posted on 12 Sep 2023

By transitioning to an Early Years Manager (EYM), your kindergarten can become more sustainable and continue to deliver high quality programs for children.

EYM organisations are experts in the Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) sector and will take on the management of legal, strategic, financial, and administrative responsibilities of an ECEC service. ELAA, in partnership with the Victorian Department of Education, has developed a simple, step-by-step guide to support kindergarten committees that are considering or in the process of transitioning to EYM.

This guide provides information and guidance about:

  • the benefits of EYM
  • when to consider joining an EYM organisation
  • factors to consider when choosing an EYM organisation
  • how to ensure a successful transfer of responsibilities to an EYM organisation
  • where to find further information and support.

Next step? Download a copy of ELAA’S EYM Transition Guide and find out more CLICK HERE.

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