30 NovGowrie announces Reconciliation Action Plan

Posted on 30 Nov 2022

On 29 November ELAA attended Gowrie Victoria’s presentation of their Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) – Reflect. As one of our members, ELAA was excited to attend and support this important presentation. The booklet for Gowrie Victoria’s RAP features an incredible piece of art on its cover by Jamira Hunter a Jabirr Jabirr woman from One Arm Point. Jamira discussed the importance of her heritage and how she connects this to her artwork and how Gowrie Victoria has facilitated her to celebrate her language and culture with their children and staff.  

The RAP was developed by a working group made up of family representatives, Gowrie Victoria’s CEO Susan Anderson, educators and teachers, Early Years Consultant, Pedagogy Leader, Learning and Development Specialist, Family and Curriculum Practitioner and Early Learning Manager. This was heavily inclusive of Aboriginal people, which was evident throughout the presentation.  

It was wonderful to witness the way that children and staff members within Gowrie’s service sites interacted with knowledge and teachings about and by Aboriginal people and to see their earnest efforts to ensure that Gowrie is a safe and inclusive space for all.  

“At Gowrie Victoria, we are deeply committed to a future that embraces the histories and cultures of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, as the traditional custodians of the land.” – Susan Anderson CEO of Gowrie Victoria.  

ELAA will continue to participate in conversations and presentations that support Australia’s First Nations peoples and look forward to learning from our members on how they champion reconciliation, diversity and confront hard truths about Australia’s history.  

To read Gowrie Victoria’s RAP, please CLICK HERE.  

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