15 AugGuidelines announced – $5000 toys and equipment funding

Posted on 15 Aug 2023

ELAA was pleased to see that the 2023/24 Victorian budget included the announcement of $5,000 for every funded kindergarten across  Victoria to purchase new toys and equipment to support play-based learning. This funding commitment ties into the Best Start, Best Life reform that will provide more opportunities for children to develop critical foundational skills for their learning and development.  

All Victorian kindergarten providers with a funded kindergarten service(s) as of July 2023 are eligible to receive this funding 

Conditions of funding
Some conditions of the funding are, but not limited to:  

  • services must spend the funding on educational toys and equipment that enable children with ALL abilities to participate in inclusive learning 
  • funding must be used at the service receiving the grant to purchase educational toys and equipment for use by children enrolled in the service’s funded Three and Four-Year-Old Kindergarten programs 
  • funding cannot be used as a reimbursement for the recent purchase of toys and equipment. 

How to apply and when will funding be paid?
Kindergarten services will not need to apply for this funding. Service providers will receive a one-off lump sum of $5,000 for each of their funded kindergarten service(s). This applies to all services that are delivering a funded kindergarten program as of July 2023. The Department of Education will automatically process funding to service providers as a one-off payment through the Kindergarten Information Management System (KIMS). 

CLICK HERE to read the full guidelines. Should you require further information, please contact your local Early Childhood Improvement Branch (ECIB).  

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