15 MarHave your voice heard – upcoming submissions

Posted on 15 Mar 2023

The Federal Australian Government has prioritised Education in 2023, with a specific interest in reviewing the Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) sector. Currently, the Productivity Commission (PC) and the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) are conducting inquiries on how the ECEC sector operates on a national scale. ELAA has met with both the ACCC and the PC to inform them of the intricacies pertaining to the ECEC sector and will be publishing a submission in May to the PC.  

Currently, there is a call for submissions for the development of the Australian Government’s Early Years Strategy, as well as for the Terms of Reference for the Productivity Commission’s inquiry. ELAA is developing submissions for both and will be reaching out to members to collaborate and contribute to these. ELAA encourages our members to submit their own submissions to both the Productivity Commission and the Early Years Strategy, as it is important for the sector to contribute to its future and to help inform policy.  

If you would like guidance on making submissions, you can contact ELAA’s Policy and Stakeholder Relations Specialist at: NHurst@elaa.org.au OR view our previous submissions on our website by clicking HERE. The Productivity Commission encourages all submissions, including those that focus on a singular topic in the Terms of Reference. 

To read the Terms of Reference for the Productivity Commission, please click HERE 

Access to the Early Years Strategy briefing paper can be found by clicking HERE. 

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