29 MarInclusion Support Program review

Posted on 29 Mar 2023

The Australian Education Department has commissioned Deloitte Access Economics to review the Inclusion Support Program (ISP). Currently the ISP supports Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) services to have the capacity to provide quality inclusive practices for children with additional needs.  

This program was introduced in 2016 after the Productivity Commission released their Inquiry Report into Child Care and Early Childhood Learning. After an evaluation was undertaken in 2021, some of the challenges identified were the flexibility of support arrangements and administrative systems. To read the full evaluation report please click HERE. 

Another review will now take place, to provide evidence-based findings to inform future accessibility, investment, and policy settings. ELAA is pleased that the Terms of Reference for this review highlight interactions with other programs like the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) and a focus on how to reduce integrity risks and administrative complexity.  

This review aims to be completed by mid-2023 and will feed into concurrent activities such as the ACCC inquiry into ECEC prices and the Productivity Commissions review into the ECEC sector.  

Currently Deloitte Access Economics is consulting with stakeholders within the sector, including peak bodies.  

If your organisation is interested in participating in a consultation and you would like ELAA to help facilitate this, please contact our Advocacy team: Advocacy@ELAA.org.au  

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